Aditya-Birla-Group-logoCADD – Sensitize the organization to the advantage of a scientific and measurable performance management protocol.

The Project

Development of a tool to train middle and senior management in identifying presence of Leadership Competent Behaviours based on the prescribed competency dictionary.

The Brief

Standardised communication for every hierarchy across all businesses of the ABG Group in India and Thailand.

Communicate to the middle and senior management the relevance of enabling leadership competency behaviours. (weightage for which would be given in Performance Review & Payout)

The Intervention Stimulus

  • A training module consisting of a short film, case studies and brief case lets titled ‘CADD’ (Competency Assessment & Development Discussion) module for recognition, rating and development of competency reflective behaviours for all functions for every hierarchy across all businesses of ABG Group.

  • Standardised communication for every hierarchy across all businesses of the ABG Group in India and Thailand.


  • 1. Film
  • 2. Case study
  • 3. Caselets

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding and appreciation of the relevance of a performance management system for enhanced productivity.

  • Each senior manager was better prepared to conduct a constructive performance review and each employee better equipped to handle a session on his/her performance review.